





parcel task


Als Übungsaufgabe erstellte ich innerhalb von ca. 4 Tagen die User Journey und ein grobes Design für ein fiktives Paket-Versand System das E-Bay-Verkäufern dieAbwicklung ihrer Pakete ermöglichen soll.

Die Präsentation dazu erstellte ich komplett in Englisch.

Fortbildung bei:
XDi - Experience Design Institut

Ende August bis Ende November 2022

The Task

System for Ebay-retailers to

  • provide an overview of the orders
    edit orders

  • proceed orders to shipping


The product shall be used by small business with around 100 orders per day

System for Ebay-retailers to

  • provide an overview of the orders
    edit orders

  • proceed orders to shipping


The product shall be used by small business with around 100 orders per day


4 days


For this project a lot of research would have to be made, for this task I assumed everything other than the user journey.


4 days


For this project a lot of research would have to be made, for this task I assumed everything other than the user journey.


In order get an deeper understanding of the product requirements I created 3 Maps:

  • A high level user journey

  • A parcel flow

  • A specific user journey

a view on the product

A high level user journey helped me unterstand the users needs while checking the different stages of the process.

Following the product

For a better insight of the fulfillment process an order takes I created a flow-map of the parcel.

Following the user

Finally I took a deeper look at the users journey while processing an order from recieved to shipped.


Some of the insights that had a huge influence on my prototype design where:

  • Different users and use-cases (like overview, editing orders or packing) have very different requirements

  • Users editing or analysing will (in most cases) work on a Desktop-PC/Tablet while packing users will use a smartphone

  • For Editing its necesarry to change every part of an order

  • For Overfiew and analysing simple and clear information is importaint

  • Users have to see what orders are currently worked on

  • Not every order has to be edited by a user, a lot of them can be processed to packing status automatically

prototype overview

The desktop/tablet fiew starts with an dashboard page which provides analytics and a quick overview what is currently happening at every status.

The different statuses have each an overview page where all orders at the status can be viewed and edited.

Every site functions like tabs so orders can be edited, searched and opened parallel without losing data while working on another order.

The search function builds a seperate page to be able to searcht through all statuses.

prototype packing

The packing process has a different layout and is very reduced and simple. While packing the worker is guided in very simple and clear steps through the process.

Packing works in batches which are automatically created by the system to reduce walking and searching times.


I learned a lot on how to quickly analyse and understand complex processes. On the other hand I saw that I had to make a lot of assumptions, if it where a real project I would had to research a lot more to make sure these are right.

I had some struggles with the tight timeframe and I did not get the UI Design as far as I wanted (originally the timing was set to 3 days and I had to take another day to work on the UI).